Tips for
Office People
On October 19, 2024, we held a workshop at Bristol Yoga Centre for office people. This class was a full body yoga practice that focused on those who might sit a lot. The class began with guided meditation. During the class, we were targeting to unwind tension on the upper body, strengthen lower back muscles and release stress on hips and legs. Towards the end of the class, there were restorative practices, allowing us to enter deep relaxation.
01 - Simple cross-legged sitting
Sit on a yoga block or on a height that allows your knees to descend, your lower back to be lengthen and chest lifted. You may close your eyes and sit for 5 minutes.
In this 5 minutes, simply tune into your body and feel how your body feels. You may bring your awareness to your inhale and exhale and allow each breath to be slower.
02 - Reclined big toe pose | Supta Padangusthasana
Lie down on your back and lift one leg up to the ceiling with a strap wrapping around the sole of your foot. Keep both feet flexed and both legs active. You may bend your top leg and gradually work into straightening both legs. This pose helps stretching both front and back of the legs.
Stay here for 6 cycles of breath and switch sides.
03 - Downward facing dog pose | Adho mukha svanasana
Have your feet hip-width apart (or slightly wider for those who have tighter hamstrings) and place your hands on the edge of the chair. Make sure that your feet are behind your hips, not right below.
Press your hands against the chair and your heels against the yoga mat. This helps to lengthen your spine and improve arm flexion.
04 - Eagle pose with a chair | Garudasana
Sit at the edge of the chair and place a yoga brick on the left. Cross your right leg over the left thigh and place your right foot on the brick.
Have your left arm go under your right arm, allow fingers point towards the ceiling and hold tight together. Alternatively, you can keep your left arm point towards the right. This allows your shoulder blades to gently go away from each other and stretch your upper back muscles.
Stay in the pose for 6 cycles of breath then switch sides.
05 - Upward facing dog pose | Urdhva mukha svanasana
You may enter this pose from downward facing dog (pose 03). Then walk your feet until they are right below your pelvis. Keep the legs straight and toes tucked under, bring the front of your pelvis closer, or even touch, the chair.
Have your arms straight and lift your sternum. You may stay here for a few cycles of breath, or repeat the cycle from downward facing dog to upward facing dog for dynamic movement.